Re: “State climate policy could be derailed by gas prices” [Oct. 8, A1]:
Selling gas at the national average price catches attention, but repealing the law which set up carbon pricing would not be good policy.
If we are to survive not only the increasing number of storms and heat events but more severe events in the future, steps must be taken to bring down carbon emissions. That Washington gas prices are highest or second highest in the nation is not new; Washington has been close to the top for a long time, and those prices were higher last summer before the carbon pricing market began, as the article points out. In the meantime, as the article also points out, oil companies are posting record profits.
Long-term thinking and more specific information about what uses the proceeds will be invested in are what is needed.
Mary Wallon, Seattle
The post State climate policy: Long-term thinking, more information first appeared on Latest American News.
The post State climate policy: Long-term thinking, more information appeared first on Latest American News.