Re: “I don’t want CPR; will anyone listen?” [Sept. 23, Opinion]:
Thank you for Jim deMaine’s excellent My Take essay addressing the challenges of communicating one’s ability to refuse CPR. Some years ago, End of Life Washington promoted the passage of legislation to establish an advance directive registry which could have included the Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment form, but the funding was subsequently eliminated by the Legislature.
I have my POLST form on my refrigerator with unequivocal orders not to resuscitate. Unfortunately, as Dr. deMaine pointed out, that will not help if I have an episode outside my home. We need to develop a method using modern technology that would be readily accessible to 911 responders.
Midge Levy, Seattle
The post Do not resuscitate order: Use tech to honor wishes first appeared on Latest American News.
The post Do not resuscitate order: Use tech to honor wishes appeared first on Latest American News.